Embark on Your Artist Visa Journey
I Representatives of Foreign Media
You may be eligible for the I, Representatives of Foreign Media, nonimmigrant visa, if you:
- Represent a foreign information media outlet (press, radio, film, or other foreign information media);
- Are coming to the United States to engage solely in this profession; and
- Have a home office in a foreign country.
Occupations under this category include reporters, film crews, editors, and similar occupations. Any spouse and children under the age of 21 may accompany or follow to join an I nonimmigrant.
You must demonstrate that you are a bona fide representative of foreign media whose activities are essential to the functions of your organization.
To learn more: https://www.uscis.gov/working-in-the-united-states/temporary-workers/i-representatives-of-foreign-media/
P-1B A Member of an Internationally Recognized Entertainment Group
The P-1B classification applies to you if you are coming to the United States temporarily to perform as a member of an entertainment group that has been established for a minimum of one year and recognized internationally as outstanding in the discipline for a sustained and substantial period of time.
For more information, see Volume 2, Part N of the USCIS Policy Manual.
At least 75 percent of the members of your group must have had a substantial and sustained relationship with the group for at least one year.
Your entertainment group must be internationally recognized, having a high level of achievement in a field evidenced by a degree of skill and recognition substantially above that ordinarily encountered, to the extent that such achievement is renowned, leading, or well-known in more than one country. The reputation of the group, not the individual achievements of its members or the acclaim of a particular production, is essential.
Note: Individual entertainers not performing as part of a group are not eligible for this visa classification.
Special Provisions for Certain Entertainment Groups
Noncitizen circus performers and essential circus personnel are exempt the one year requirement and the internationally recognized requirement. The noncitizen or noncitizens must be coming to join a nationally recognized circus.
Certain nationally known entertainment groups may have the internationally recognized requirement waived if they can establish they have been recognized nationally as outstanding in its discipline for a sustained amount of time in consideration of special circumstances.

P-2 Individual Performer or Part of a Group Entering to Perform Under a Reciprocal Exchange Program
The P-2 classification applies to you if you are coming temporarily to perform as an artist or entertainer, individually or as part of a group, who will perform under a reciprocal exchange program between an organization in the United States and an organization in another country.
For more information, see Volume 2, Part N of the USCIS Policy Manual.
You must be an artist entering the United States through a government recognized reciprocal exchange program. At the present time, five P-2 reciprocal agreements have been negotiated between the following organizations:
- The American Federation of Musicians (U.S.) and the American Federation of Musicians (Canada);
- Actor’s Equity Association (U.S.) and the Canadian Actors’ Equity Association;
- Actor’s Equity Association (U.S.) and the British Actors’ Equity Association;
- The International Council of Air Shows and the Canadian Air Show Association.
- The Alliance of Canadian Cinema Television and Radio Artists (ACTRA) and the Screen Actor Guild – American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA).
If a reciprocal agreement is submitted other than these five, USCIS will review the agreement to determine if the agreement adheres to the regulatory standard.
In addition, you must possess skills comparable to those of the United States artists and entertainers taking part in the program outside the United States.
P-3 Artist or Entertainer Coming to Be Part of a Culturally Unique Program
The P-3 classification applies to you if you are coming temporarily to perform, teach or coach as artists or entertainers, individually or as part of a group, under a program that is culturally unique.
For a P-3 visa, you must be coming to the United States either individually or as a group for the purpose of developing, interpreting, representing, coaching, or teaching a unique or traditional ethnic, folk, cultural, musical, theatrical, or artistic performance or presentation. In addition, you must be coming to the United States to participate in a cultural event or events which will further the understanding or development of your art form. The program may be of a commercial or noncommercial nature.